The Main Street Electrical Parade is a regularly scheduled parade, created by Bob Jani and project director Ron Miziker, famous for its long run at Disneyland at the Disneyland Resort and Walt Disney World at the Magic Kingdom Park. It features floats and live performers covered in thousands of electronically controlled lights and a synchronized soundtrack triggered by radio control along key areas of the parade route. The parade has also spun off several other versions that ran or continue to run at Disney parks around the world. Currently, an updated version runs at Tokyo Disneyland as Tokyo Disneyland Electrical Parade: DreamLights. In 2014, Hong Kong Disneyland premiered a spiritual successor to the Main Street Electrical Parade, the Paint the Night Parade, which, like its predecessor, features “Baroque Hoedown” as its theme song. Disneyland has announced for its sixtieth Diamond Celebration a version similar to Hong Kong’s parade which will begin operation on May 22, 2015.
The original Disneyland copy of the parade runs at the Magic Kingdom in Walt Disney World as “Disney’s Main Street Electrical Parade,” and has been in an “open ended” run since arriving in Florida in 2010.[1]
The parade is notable for its electronic musical soundtrack, all set to a 1960s tune called “Baroque Hoedown,” and its use of a vocoder effect during the introductory and closing announcements.